Source: imaging.js

 * @namespace cam
 * @description Media section for Cam class
 * @author Andrew D.Laptev <>
 * @licence MIT
module.exports = function(Cam) {

	const linerase = require('./utils').linerase;

	 * @typedef {object} Cam~ImagingSettings
	 * @property {number} brightness
	 * @property {number} colorSaturation
	 * @property {object} focus
	 * @property {string} focus.autoFocusMode
	 * @property {number} sharpness

	 * @callback Cam~GetImagingSettingsCallback
	 * @property {?Error} error
	 * @property {Cam~ImagingSettings} status

	 * Get the ImagingConfiguration for the requested VideoSource (default - the activeSource)
	 * @param {object} [options]
	 * @param {string} [options.token] {@link Cam#activeSource.profileToken}
	 * @param {Cam~GetImagingSettingsCallback} callback
	Cam.prototype.getImagingSettings = function(options, callback) {
		if (typeof callback === 'undefined') {
			callback = options;
			options = {};
			service: 'imaging'
			, body: this._envelopeHeader() +
			'<GetImagingSettings xmlns="" >' +
				'<VideoSourceToken  xmlns="" >' + ( options.token || this.activeSource.sourceToken ) + '</VideoSourceToken>' +
			'</GetImagingSettings>' +
		}, function(err, data, xml) {
			if (callback) {, err, err ? null : linerase(data).getImagingSettingsResponse.imagingSettings, xml);

	 * @typedef {object} Cam~ImagingSetting
	 * @property {string} token Video source token
	 * @property {number} brightness
	 * @property {number} colorSaturation
	 * @property {number} contrast
   * @property {object} exposure
   * @property {string} exposure.mode Exposure mode -enum { 'AUTO', 'MANUAL' }
   * @property {string} exposure.priority The exposure priority mode (low noise/framerate) -enum { 'LowNoise', 'FrameRate' }
   * @property {number} exposure.minExposureTime
   * @property {number} exposure.maxExposureTime
   * @property {number} exposure.minGain
   * @property {number} exposure.maxGain
   * @property {number} exposure.minIris
   * @property {number} exposure.maxIris
   * @property {number} exposure.exposureTime
   * @property {number} exposure.gain
   * @property {number} exposure.iris
   * @property {object} focus
   * @property {string} focus.autoFocusMode Mode of auto focus -enum { 'AUTO', 'MANUAL' }
   * @property {number} focus.defaultSpeed
   * @property {number} focus.nearLimit
   * @property {number} focus.farLimit
	 * @property {number} sharpness
	 * @property {string} irCutFilter Mode of ir cut filter -enum { 'AUTO', 'ON', 'OFF' }

	 * Set the ImagingConfiguration for the requested VideoSource (default - the activeSource)
	 * @param {Cam~ImagingSetting} options
	 * @param callback
	Cam.prototype.setImagingSettings = function(options, callback) {
			service: 'imaging'
			, body: this._envelopeHeader() +
			'<SetImagingSettings xmlns="" >' +
				'<VideoSourceToken  xmlns="" >' +
				(options.token || this.activeSource.sourceToken) +
				'</VideoSourceToken>' +

				'<ImagingSettings xmlns="" >' +
					options.brightness ?
							'<Brightness xmlns="">' +
							options.brightness +
						) : ''


					options.colorSaturation ?
							'<ColorSaturation xmlns="">' +
							options.colorSaturation +
						) : ''


					options.contrast ?
							'<Contrast xmlns="">' +
							options.contrast +
						) : ''

					options.exposure ?
							'<Exposure  xmlns="">' +
								options.exposure.mode ?
										'<Mode xmlns="">' + options.exposure.mode + '</Mode>'
									) : ''


								options.exposure.priority ?
										'<Priority xmlns="">' + options.exposure.priority + '</Priority>'
									) : ''


								options.exposure.minExposureTime ?
										'<MinExposureTime xmlns="">' + options.exposure.minExposureTime + '</MinExposureTime>'
									) : ''


								options.exposure.maxExposureTime ?
										'<MaxExposureTime xmlns="">' + options.exposure.maxExposureTime + '</MaxExposureTime>'
									) : ''


								options.exposure.minGain ?
										'<MinGain xmlns="">' + options.exposure.minGain + '</MinGain>'
									) : ''


								options.exposure.maxGain ?
										'<MaxGain xmlns="">' + options.exposure.maxGain + '</MaxGain>'
									) : ''


								options.exposure.minIris ?
										'<MinIris xmlns="">' + options.exposure.minIris + '</MinIris>'
									) : ''


								options.exposure.maxIris ?
										'<MaxIris xmlns="">' + options.exposure.maxIris + '</MaxIris>'
									) : ''


								options.exposure.exposureTime ?
										'<ExposureTime xmlns="">' + options.exposure.exposureTime + '</ExposureTime>'
									) : ''


								options.exposure.gain ?
										'<Gain xmlns="">' + options.exposure.gain + '</Gain>'
									) : ''


								options.exposure.iris ?
										'<Iris xmlns="">' + options.exposure.iris + '</Iris>'
									) : ''
							) +
						) : ''


					options.focus ?
							'<Focus xmlns="">' +
								options.focus.autoFocusMode ?
										'<AutoFocusMode xmlns="">' + options.focus.autoFocusMode + '</AutoFocusMode>'
									) : ''


								options.focus.defaultSpeed ?
										'<DefaultSpeed xmlns="">' + options.focus.defaultSpeed + '</DefaultSpeed>'
									) : ''

								options.focus.nearLimit ?
										'<NearLimit xmlns="">' + options.focus.nearLimit + '</NearLimit>'
									) : ''


								options.focus.farLimit ?
										'<FarLimit xmlns="">' + options.focus.farLimit + '</FarLimit>'
									) : ''
							) +
						) : ''


					options.sharpness ?
							'<Sharpness xmlns="">' +
							options.sharpness +
						) : ''


					options.irCutFilter ?
							'<IrCutFilter xmlns="">' +
							options.irCutFilter +
						) : ''

				'</ImagingSettings>' +
			'</SetImagingSettings>' +
		}, function(err, data, xml) {
			if (callback) {, err, err ? null : linerase(data).setImagingSettingsResponse, xml);

	 * @typedef {object} Cam~ImagingServiceCapabilities
	 * @property {boolean} ImageStabilization Indicates whether or not Image Stabilization feature is supported
	 * @property {boolean} [Presets] Indicates whether or not Imaging Presets feature is supported

	 * @callback Cam~GetImagingServiceCapabilitiesCallback
	 * @property {?Error} error
	 * @property {Cam~ImagingServiceCapabilities} capabilities

	 * Returns the capabilities of the imaging service
	 * @property {Cam~GetImagingServiceCapabilitiesCallback}
	Cam.prototype.getImagingServiceCapabilities = function(callback) {
			service: 'imaging'
			, body: this._envelopeHeader() +
			'<GetServiceCapabilities xmlns="" >' +
			'</GetServiceCapabilities>' +
		}, function(err, data, xml) {
			if (callback) {, err, err ? null : linerase(data[0].getServiceCapabilitiesResponse[0].capabilities[0].$), xml);

	 * @typedef {object} Cam~ImagingPreset
	 * @property {string} token
	 * @property {string} type Indicates Imaging Preset Type
	 * @property {string} Name Human readable name of the Imaging Preset

	 * @callback Cam~GetCurrentImagingPresetCallback
	 * @property {?Error} error
	 * @property {Cam~ImagingPreset} preset

	 * Get the last Imaging Preset applied
	 * @param {object} [options]
	 * @param {string} [options.token] Reference token to the VideoSource where the current Imaging Preset should be requested
	 * @param {Cam~GetCurrentImagingPresetCallback} callback
	Cam.prototype.getCurrentImagingPreset = function(options, callback) {
		if (typeof callback === 'undefined') {
			callback = options;
			options = {};
			service: 'imaging'
			, body: this._envelopeHeader() +
			'<GetCurrentPreset xmlns="" >' +
				'<VideoSourceToken>' + (options.token || this.activeSource.sourceToken) + '</VideoSourceToken>' +
			'</GetCurrentPreset>' +
		}, function(err, data, xml) {
			if (callback) {, err, err ? null : linerase(data).getCurrentPresetResponse.preset, xml);

	 * Set the ImagingConfiguration for the requested or current VideoSource
	 * @param options
	 * @param {string} [options.token] Reference token to the VideoSource to which the specified Imaging Preset should be applied.
	 * @param {string} options.presetToken Reference token to the Imaging Preset to be applied to the specified Video Source
	 * @param {Cam~RequestCallback} callback
	Cam.prototype.setCurrentImagingPreset = function(options, callback) {
			service: 'imaging'
			, body: this._envelopeHeader() +
			'<SetCurrentPreset xmlns="" >' +
				'<VideoSourceToken>' + (options.token || this.activeSource.sourceToken) + '</VideoSourceToken>' +
				'<PresetToken>' + options.presetToken + '</PresetToken>' +
			'</SetCurrentPreset>' +
		}, function(err, data, xml) {
			if (callback) {, err, err ? null : linerase(data).setCurrentPresetResponse, xml);

	 * Get the video source options for a given video source
	 * @param {Object} options.token videoSourceToken 
	 * @param {function} [callback]
	Cam.prototype.getVideoSourceOptions = function(options, callback) {
		if (typeof callback === 'undefined') {
			callback = options;
			options = {};
			service: 'imaging'
			, body: this._envelopeHeader() +
				'<GetOptions xmlns="">' +
				'<VideoSourceToken>' + (options.token || this.activeSource.sourceToken) + '</VideoSourceToken>' +
				'</GetOptions>' +
		}, function(err, data, xml) {
			if (callback) {
				let jsonData = linerase(data),
					respData = {};
				if (jsonData && jsonData.getOptionsResponse && jsonData.getOptionsResponse.imagingOptions) {
					respData = jsonData.getOptionsResponse.imagingOptions;
				// Empty response on success, err, respData, xml);

	 * Get the move options to be used in the focus move command for a given video source
	 * @param {Object} options
	 * @param {string} [options.token=Cam#activeSource.sourceToken] videoSourceToken
	 * @param {function} [callback]
	Cam.prototype.imagingGetMoveOptions = function(options, callback) {
		if (typeof callback === 'undefined') {
			callback = options;
			options = {};
			service: 'imaging'
			, body: this._envelopeHeader() +
				'<GetMoveOptions xmlns="">' +
				'<VideoSourceToken>' + (options.token || this.activeSource.sourceToken) + '</VideoSourceToken>' +
				'</GetMoveOptions>' +
		}, function(err, data, xml) {
			if (callback) {
				let jsonData = linerase(data),
					respData = {};
				if (jsonData && jsonData.getMoveOptionsResponse && jsonData.getMoveOptionsResponse.moveOptions) {
					respData = jsonData.getMoveOptionsResponse.moveOptions;
				// Empty response on success, err, respData, xml);

	 * Get the current status of the move operation
	 * @param {Object} options
	 * @param {string} [options.token=Cam#activeSource.sourceToken] videoSourceToken
	 * @param {function} [callback]
	Cam.prototype.imagingGetStatus = function(options, callback) {
		if (typeof callback === 'undefined') {
			callback = options;
			options = {};
			service: 'imaging'
			, body: this._envelopeHeader() +
				'<GetStatus xmlns="">' +
				'<VideoSourceToken>' + (options.token || this.activeSource.sourceToken) + '</VideoSourceToken>' +
				'</GetStatus>' +
		}, function(err, data, xml) {
			if (callback) {
				let jsonData = linerase(data),
					respData = {};
				if (jsonData && jsonData.getStatusResponse && jsonData.getStatusResponse.status) {
					respData = jsonData.getStatusResponse.status;
				// Empty response on success, err, respData, xml);

	 * The command moves the focus lens in an absolute, a relative, or in a continuous manner from its current position.
	 * @param {object} options The supported move options are signaled via the GetMoveOptions command
	 * @param {string} [options.token=Cam#activeSource.sourceToken] videoSourceToken
	 * @param {object} [options.absolute] Absolute movement
	 * @param {number} [options.absolute.position] Min and Max values defined by the GetMoveOptions if support the absolute movement
	 * @param {number} [options.absolute.speed] If the speed argument is omitted, the default speed set by the ImagingSetting will be used.
	 * @param {object} [options.relative] Relative movement
	 * @param {number} [options.relative.distance] Min and Max values defined by the GetMoveOptions if support the relative movement
	 * @param {number} [options.relative.speed] If the speed argument is omitted, the default speed set by the ImagingSetting will be used.
	 * @param {object} [options.continuous] Continuous move until the focus lens reaches its limits or gets a stop command
	 * @param {number} [options.continuous.speed] Min and Max values defined by the GetMoveOptions if support the continuous movement
	 * @param callback
	Cam.prototype.imagingMove = function(options, callback) {
			service: 'imaging'
			, body: this._envelopeHeader() +
			'<Move xmlns="" >' +
				'<VideoSourceToken  xmlns="" >' +
				(options.token || this.activeSource.sourceToken) +
				'</VideoSourceToken>' +

				'<Focus xmlns="">' +
					options.absolute ?
							'<Absolute xmlns="">' +
								options.absolute.position ?
										'<Position xmlns="">' + options.absolute.position + '</Position>'
									) : ''
								options.absolute.speed ?
										'<Speed xmlns="">' + options.absolute.speed + '</Speed>'
									) : ''
							+ '</Absolute>'
						) : ''
					options.relative ?
							'<Relative xmlns="">' +
								options.relative.distance ?
										'<Distance xmlns="">' + options.relative.distance + '</Distance>'
									) : ''
								options.relative.speed ?
										'<Speed xmlns="">' + options.relative.speed + '</Speed>'
									) : ''
							+ '</Relative>'
						) : ''
					options.continuous ?
							'<Continuous xmlns="">' +
								options.continuous.speed ?
										'<Speed xmlns="">' + options.continuous.speed + '</Speed>'
									) : ''
							+ '</Continuous>'
						) : ''
				'</Focus>' +
			'</Move>' +
		}, function(err, data, xml) {
			if (callback) {, err, err ? null : linerase(data).MoveResponse, xml);

	 * Stop the ongoing focus movements for a given video source
	 * @param {Object} options
	 * @param {string} [options.token=Cam#activeSource.sourceToken] videoSourceToken
	 * @param callback
	Cam.prototype.imagingStop = function(options, callback) {
			service: 'imaging'
			, body: this._envelopeHeader() +
			'<Stop xmlns="" >' +
				'<VideoSourceToken  xmlns="" >' +
				(options.token || this.activeSource.sourceToken) +
				'</VideoSourceToken>' +
			'</Stop>' +
		}, function(err, data, xml) {
			if (callback) {, err, err ? null : linerase(data).StopResponse, xml);