* @namespace cam
* @description Common camera module
* @author Andrew D.Laptev <a.d.laptev@gmail.com>
* @licence MIT
const http = require('http'),
https = require('https'),
crypto = require('crypto'),
events = require('events'),
url = require('url'),
util = require('util'),
linerase = require('./utils').linerase,
parseSOAPString = require('./utils').parseSOAPString,
parseString = require('xml2js').parseString,
stripPrefix = require('xml2js').processors.stripPrefix,
emptyFn = function() {};
* @callback Cam~MessageCallback
* @property {?Error} error
* @property {?string} message
* @callback Cam~ConnectionCallback
* @property {?Error} error
* @typedef Cam~Options
* @property {boolean} [useSecure] Set true if `https:`, defaults to false
* @property {object} [secureOpts] Set options for https like ca, cert, ciphers, rejectUnauthorized, secureOptions, secureProtocol, etc.
* @property {boolean} [useWSSecurity] Use WS-Security SOAP headers
* @property {string} hostname
* @property {string} [username]
* @property {string} [password]
* @property {number} [port=80]
* @property {string} [path=/onvif/device_service]
* @property {number} [timeout=120000]
* @property {boolean} [autoconnect=true] Set false if the camera should not connect automatically. The callback will not be executed.
* @property {boolean} [preserveAddress=false] Force using hostname and port from constructor for the services
* Camera class
* @param {Cam~Options} options
* @param {Cam~ConnectionCallback} [callback]
* @fires Cam#rawRequest
* @fires Cam#rawResponse
* @fires Cam#connect
* @fires Cam#event
* @fires Cam#warning
* @property presets
* @class
* @constructor
* @extends events.EventEmitter
* @example
* var
* http = require('http'),
* Cam = require('onvif').Cam;
* new Cam({
* useSecure: <IS_SECURE>,
* secureOpts: {...<SECURE_OPTIONS>}
* hostname: <CAMERA_HOST>,
* username: <USERNAME>,
* password: <PASSWORD>
* }, function(err) {
* this.absoluteMove({x: 1, y: 1, zoom: 1});
* this.getStreamUri({protocol:'RTSP'}, function(err, stream) {
* http.createServer(function (req, res) {
* res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'});
* res.end('<html><body>' +
* '<embed type="application/x-vlc-plugin" target="' + stream.uri + '"></embed>' +
* '</body></html>');
* }).listen(3030);
* });
* });
var Cam = function(options, callback) {
callback = callback || emptyFn;
this.useSecure = options.useSecure || false;
this.secureOpts = options.secureOpts || {};
this.hostname = options.hostname;
this.username = options.username;
this.password = options.password;
this.port = options.port || (options.useSecure ? 443 : 80);
this.path = options.path || '/onvif/device_service';
this.timeout = options.timeout || 120000;
this.agent = options.agent || false;
* Use WS-Security SOAP header
* @type {boolean}
this.useWSSecurity = typeof options.useWSSecurity === 'boolean' ? options.useWSSecurity : true;
this._nc = 0;
* Force using hostname and port from constructor for the services
* @type {boolean}
this.preserveAddress = options.preserveAddress || false;
this.events = {};
* Bind event handling to the `event` event
this.on('newListener', function(name) {
// if this is the first listener, start pulling subscription
if (name === 'event' && this.listeners(name).length === 0) {
setImmediate(function() {
if (options.autoconnect !== false) {
setImmediate(function() {
// events.EventEmitter inheritance
util.inherits(Cam, events.EventEmitter);
* Connect to the camera and fill device information properties
* @param {Cam~ConnectionCallback} callback
Cam.prototype.connect = function(callback) {
// Must execute getSystemDataAndTime (and wait for callback)
// before any other ONVIF commands so that the time of the ONVIF device
// is known
this.getSystemDateAndTime(function(err, date, xml) {
if (err) {
return callback.call(this, err, null, xml);
// Next Step - Execute GetServices
this.getServices(true, function(err) {
if (err) {
// Fall back to GetCapabilities. The original ONVIF spec did not include GetServices
return this.getCapabilities(function(err, data, xml) {
if (err) {
return callback.call(this, err, null, xml);
return callUpstartFunctions.call(this);
if (this.media2Support) {
// Check Media2 works (workaround a buggy D-Link DCS-8635LH camera). Disable Media2 if there is an error.
// This is inefficient as we also call GetProfiles in the upstart function
this.getProfiles(function(err) {
if (err) {
this.media2Support = false; // don't use media2
return callUpstartFunctions.call(this);
} else {
return callUpstartFunctions.call(this);
function callUpstartFunctions() {
var upstartFunctions = [];
// Profile S
if (this.uri && this.uri.media) {
var count = upstartFunctions.length;
var errCall = false;
if (count > 0) {
upstartFunctions.forEach(function(fun) {
fun.call(this, function(err) {
if (err) {
if (callback && !errCall) {
callback.call(this, err);
errCall = true;
} else {
if (!--count) {
* Indicates that device is connected.
* @event Cam#connect
if (callback) {
return callback.call(this, err);
} else {
if (callback) {
return callback.call(this, false);
* @callback Cam~RequestCallback
* @param {Error} err
* @param {object} [response] message
* @param {string} [xml] response
* Common camera request
* @param {object} options
* @param {string} [options.service] Name of service (ptz, media, etc)
* @param {string} [options.action] Name of the action. Not required, but desired
* @param {string} options.body SOAP body
* @param {string} [options.url] Defines another url to request instead of using the URLs from GetCapabilities/GetServices
* @param {number} options.replyTimeout timeout in milliseconds for the reply (after the socket has connected)
* @param {Cam~RequestCallback} callback response callback
* @private
Cam.prototype._request = function(options, callback) {
if (typeof callback !== 'function') {
throw new Error('\'callback\' must be a function');
if (options.body === undefined) {
throw new Error('\'options.body\' must be a defined');
// Generate the HTTP Content-Type 'action' string by parsing our outgoing ONVIF XML message with xml2js
// xml2js returns a callback, so call _requestPart2 from the callback
if (options.action === undefined || options.action === null) {
let xml2jsOptions = {
'xmlns': true, // Creates the $ns object that contains the full namepace and local name of each XML Tag
tagNameProcessors: [stripPrefix] // Removes the namespace from each tag so we can parse Key:Value pairs of Tags
parseString(options.body, xml2jsOptions, (err, result) => {
// Check for parsing errors
if (err) {
return callback(err);
// look for first Key:Value pairs that do not start with $ or $ns
// for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(result['Envelope']['Body'][0])) { // Node 7 or higher
for (const key of Object.keys(result.Envelope.Body[0])) {
const value = result.Envelope.Body[0][key];
if (key.startsWith('$') === false) {
options.action = value[0]['$ns'].uri + '/' + value[0]['$ns'].local;
this._requestPart2.call(this, options, callback);
} else {
this._requestPart2.call(this, options, callback);
* Common camera request part 2
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Object} options.headers If some of the headers must present (Digest auth)
* @param {string} options.action Name of the action
* @param {string} [options.service] Name of service (ptz, media, etc)
* @param {string} options.body SOAP body
* @param {string} [options.url] Defines another url to request instead of using the URLs from GetCapabilities/GetServices
* @param {number} options.replyTimeout timeout in milliseconds for the reply (after the socket has connected)
* @param {Cam~RequestCallback} callback response callback
* @private
Cam.prototype._requestPart2 = function(options, callback) {
const _this = this;
let callbackExecuted = false;
options.headers = options.headers || {};
let reqOptions = options.url || {
hostname: this.hostname,
port: this.port,
agent: this.agent //Supports things like https://www.npmjs.com/package/proxy-agent which provide SOCKS5 and other connections
path: options.service ?
(this.uri && this.uri[options.service] ? this.uri[options.service].path : options.service) : this.path,
timeout: this.timeout
reqOptions.headers = options.headers;
Object.assign(reqOptions.headers, {
'Content-Type': `application/soap+xml;charset=utf-8;action="${options.action}"`,
'Content-Length': Buffer.byteLength(options.body, 'utf8') //options.body.length chinese will be wrong here
charset: 'utf-8'
reqOptions.method = 'POST';
const httpLib = this.useSecure ? https : http;
reqOptions = this.useSecure ? Object.assign({}, this.secureOpts, reqOptions) : reqOptions;
const req = httpLib.request(reqOptions, function(res) {
const wwwAuthenticate = res.headers['www-authenticate'];
const statusCode = res.statusCode;
if (statusCode === 401 && wwwAuthenticate !== undefined) {
// Re-request with digest auth header
options.headers.Authorization = _this.digestAuth(wwwAuthenticate, reqOptions);
_this._requestPart2(options, callback);
const bufs = [];
let length = 0;
res.on('data', function(chunk) {
length += chunk.length;
res.on('end', function() {
if (callbackExecuted === true) {
callbackExecuted = true;
var xml = Buffer.concat(bufs, length).toString('utf8');
* Indicates raw xml response from device.
* @event Cam#rawResponse
* @type {string} xml received from device
* @type {number} HTTP statusCode received from device
_this.emit('rawResponse', xml, statusCode);
parseSOAPString(xml, callback, statusCode); // xml and statusCode are passed in. Callback is the function called after the XML is parsed
// Set the timeout for the reply (for data being received on the socket).
// This timeout is used _after_ the socket has connected.
// When pulling ONVIF Events, this will need to be set to a time larger than the Pull Request timeout
// to ensure the socket does not get closed too early.
// eg replyTimeout must be set to 75 seconds when the Pull Events timeout is 60 seconds
req.setTimeout((options.replyTimeout ? options.replyTimeout : this.timeout), function() {
if (callbackExecuted === true) {
} else {
callbackExecuted = true;
callback(new Error('Network timeout'));
req.on('error', function(err) {
if (callbackExecuted === true) {
callbackExecuted = true;
/* address, port number or IPCam error */
if (err.code === 'ECONNREFUSED' && err.errno === 'ECONNREFUSED' && err.syscall === 'connect') {
/* network error */
} else if (err.code === 'ECONNRESET' && err.errno === 'ECONNRESET' && err.syscall === 'read') {
} else {
* Indicates raw xml request to device.
* @event Cam#rawRequest
* @type {Object}
this.emit('rawRequest', options.body);
Cam.prototype._parseChallenge = function(digest) {
const prefix = 'Digest ';
const challenge = digest.substring(digest.indexOf(prefix) + prefix.length);
const parts = challenge.split(',')
.map(part => part.match(/^\s*?([a-zA-Z0-9]+)="?([^"]*)"?\s*?$/).slice(1));
return Object.fromEntries(parts);
Cam.prototype.updateNC = function() {
this._nc += 1;
if (this._nc > 99999999) {
this._nc = 1;
return String(this._nc).padStart(8, '0');
Cam.prototype.digestAuth = function(wwwAuthenticate, reqOptions) {
const challenge = this._parseChallenge(wwwAuthenticate);
const ha1 = crypto.createHash('md5');
ha1.update([this.username, challenge.realm, this.password].join(':'));
const ha2 = crypto.createHash('md5');
ha2.update([reqOptions.method, reqOptions.path].join(':'));
let cnonce = null;
let nc = null;
if (typeof challenge.qop === 'string') {
const cnonceHash = crypto.createHash('md5');
cnonce = cnonceHash.digest('hex').substring(0, 8);
nc = this.updateNC();
const response = crypto.createHash('md5');
const responseParams = [
if (cnonce) {
const authParams = {
username: this.username,
realm: challenge.realm,
nonce: challenge.nonce,
uri: reqOptions.path,
qop: challenge.qop,
response: response.digest('hex'),
if (challenge.opaque) {
authParams.opaque = challenge.opaque;
if (cnonce) {
authParams.nc = nc;
authParams.cnonce = cnonce;
return 'Digest ' + Object.entries(authParams).map(([key, value]) => `${key}="${value}"`).join(',');
* @callback Cam~DateTimeCallback
* @property {?Error} error
* @property {Date} dateTime Date object of current device's dateTime
* @property {string} xml Raw SOAP response
* Receive date and time from cam
* @param {Cam~DateTimeCallback} callback
Cam.prototype.getSystemDateAndTime = function(callback) {
// The ONVIF spec says this should work without a Password as we need to know any difference in the
// remote NVT's time relative to our own time clock (called the timeShift) before we can calculate the
// correct timestamp in nonce SOAP Authentication header.
// But.. Panasonic and Digital Barriers both have devices that implement ONVIF that only work with
// authenticated getSystemDateAndTime. So for these devices we need to do an authenticated getSystemDateAndTime.
// As 'timeShift' is not set, the local clock MUST be set to the correct time AND the NVT/Camera MUST be set to the correct time
// if the camera implements Replay Attack Protection (eg Axis)
// Try the Unauthenticated Request first. Do not use this._envelopeHeader() as we don't have timeShift yet.
body: '<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope">' +
'<s:Body xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">' +
'<GetSystemDateAndTime xmlns="http://www.onvif.org/ver10/device/wsdl"/>' +
'</s:Body>' +
}, function(err, data, xml, statusCode) {
if (!err) {
try {
let systemDateAndTime = data[0]['getSystemDateAndTimeResponse'][0]['systemDateAndTime'][0];
let dateTime = systemDateAndTime['UTCDateTime'] || systemDateAndTime['localDateTime'];
let time;
if (dateTime === undefined) {
// Seen on a cheap Chinese camera from GWellTimes-IPC. Use the current time.
time = new Date();
} else {
let dt = linerase(dateTime[0]);
time = new Date(Date.UTC(dt.date.year, dt.date.month - 1, dt.date.day, dt.time.hour, dt.time.minute, dt.time.second));
if (!this.timeShift) {
this.timeShift = time - (process.uptime() * 1000);
callback.call(this, err, time, xml);
} catch (err) {
callback.call(this, err, null, xml);
if (err) {
// some cameras return XML with 'sender not authorized'
// One HikVision camera returned a 401 error code and the following HTML...
// <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Document Error: Unauthorized</title></head><body><h2>Access Error: 401 -- Unauthorized</h2>
// <p>Authentication Error: Access Denied! Authorization required.</p></body></html>
let xmlLowerCase = '';
if (xml) {
xmlLowerCase = xml.toLowerCase();
if (
(statusCode && statusCode === 401)
|| (xml && (xmlLowerCase.includes('sender not authorized') || xmlLowerCase.includes('unauthorized') || xmlLowerCase.includes('notauthorized')))
) {
// Try again with a Username and Password
body: this._envelopeHeader() +
'<GetSystemDateAndTime xmlns="http://www.onvif.org/ver10/device/wsdl"/>' +
}, function(err, data, xml) {
try {
let systemDateAndTime = data[0]['getSystemDateAndTimeResponse'][0]['systemDateAndTime'][0];
let dateTime = systemDateAndTime['UTCDateTime'] || systemDateAndTime['localDateTime'];
let time;
if (dateTime === undefined) {
// Seen on a cheap Chinese camera from GWellTimes-IPC. Use the current time.
time = new Date();
} else {
let dt = linerase(dateTime[0]);
time = new Date(Date.UTC(dt.date.year, dt.date.month - 1, dt.date.day, dt.time.hour, dt.time.minute, dt.time.second));
if (!this.timeShift) {
this.timeShift = time - (process.uptime() * 1000);
callback.call(this, err, time, xml);
} catch (err) {
callback.call(this, err, null, xml);
} else {
callback.call(this, err, null, xml);
* @typedef {object} Cam~SystemDateAndTime
* @property {string} dayTimeType (Manual | NTP)
* @property {boolean} daylightSavings
* @property {string} timezone in POSIX 1003.1 format
* @property {number} hour
* @property {number} minute
* @property {number} second
* @property {number} year
* @property {number} month
* @property {number} day
* Set the device system date and time
* @param {object} options
* @param {Date} [options.dateTime]
* @param {string} options.dateTimeType (Manual | NTP)
* @param {boolean} [options.daylightSavings=false]
* @patam {string} [options.timezone]
* @param {Cam~DateTimeCallback} callback
Cam.prototype.setSystemDateAndTime = function(options, callback) {
if (['Manual', 'NTP'].indexOf(options.dateTimeType) === -1) {
return callback(new Error('DateTimeType should be `Manual` or `NTP`'));
body: this._envelopeHeader() +
'<SetSystemDateAndTime xmlns="http://www.onvif.org/ver10/device/wsdl">' +
'<DateTimeType>' +
options.dateTimeType +
'</DateTimeType>' +
'<DaylightSavings>' +
(!!options.daylightSavings) +
'</DaylightSavings>' +
(options.timezone !== undefined ? '<TimeZone>' +
'<TZ xmlns="http://www.onvif.org/ver10/schema">' +
options.timezone +
'</TZ>' +
'</TimeZone>' : '') +
// ( options.dateTime !== undefined && options.dateTime.getDate instanceof Date ?
(options.dateTime !== undefined && options.dateTime instanceof Date ? '<UTCDateTime>' +
'<Time xmlns="http://www.onvif.org/ver10/schema">' +
'<Hour>' + options.dateTime.getUTCHours() + '</Hour>' +
'<Minute>' + options.dateTime.getUTCMinutes() + '</Minute>' +
'<Second>' + options.dateTime.getUTCSeconds() + '</Second>' +
'</Time>' +
'<Date xmlns="http://www.onvif.org/ver10/schema">' +
'<Year>' + options.dateTime.getUTCFullYear() + '</Year>' +
'<Month>' + (options.dateTime.getUTCMonth() + 1) + '</Month>' +
'<Day>' + options.dateTime.getUTCDate() + '</Day>' +
'</Date>' +
'</UTCDateTime>' : '') +
'</SetSystemDateAndTime>' +
}, function(err, data, xml) {
if (err || linerase(data).setSystemDateAndTimeResponse !== '') {
return callback.call(this, linerase(data).setSystemDateAndTimeResponse !== '' ?
new Error('Wrong `SetSystemDateAndTime` response') :
err, data, xml);
//get new system time from device
* Capability list
* @typedef {object} Cam~Capabilities
* @property {object} device Device capabilities
* @property {string} device.XAddr Device service URI
* @property {object} [device.network] Network capabilities
* @property {boolean} device.network.IPFilter Indicates support for IP filtering
* @property {boolean} device.network.zeroConfiguration Indicates support for zeroconf
* @property {boolean} device.network.IPVersion6 Indicates support for IPv6
* @property {boolean} device.network.dynDNS Indicates support for dynamic DNS configuration
* @property {object} [device.system] System capabilities
* @property {boolean} device.system.discoveryResolve Indicates support for WS Discovery resolve requests
* @property {boolean} device.system.discoveryBye Indicates support for WS-Discovery Bye
* @property {boolean} device.system.remoteDiscovery Indicates support for remote discovery
* @property {boolean} device.system.systemBackup Indicates support for system backup through MTOM
* @property {boolean} device.system.systemLogging Indicates support for retrieval of system logging through MTOM
* @property {boolean} device.system.firmwareUpgrade Indicates support for firmware upgrade through MTOM
* @property {boolean} device.system.httpFirmwareUpgrade Indicates support for firmware upgrade through HTTP
* @property {boolean} device.system.httpSystemBackup Indicates support for system backup through HTTP
* @property {boolean} device.system.httpSystemLogging Indicates support for retrieval of system logging through HTTP
* @property {object} [device.IO] I/O capabilities
* @property {number} device.IO.inputConnectors Number of input connectors
* @property {number} device.IO.relayOutputs Number of relay outputs
* @property {object} [device.IO.extension]
* @property {boolean} device.IO.extension.auxiliary
* @property {object} device.IO.extension.auxiliaryCommands
* @property {object} [device.security] Security capabilities
* @property {boolean} device.security.'TLS1.1' Indicates support for TLS 1.1
* @property {boolean} device.security.'TLS1.2' Indicates support for TLS 1.2
* @property {boolean} device.security.onboardKeyGeneration Indicates support for onboard key generation
* @property {boolean} device.security.accessPolicyConfig Indicates support for access policy configuration
* @property {boolean} device.security.'X.509Token' Indicates support for WS-Security X.509 token
* @property {boolean} device.security.SAMLToken Indicates support for WS-Security SAML token
* @property {boolean} device.security.kerberosToken Indicates support for WS-Security Kerberos token
* @property {boolean} device.security.RELToken Indicates support for WS-Security REL token
* @property {object} events Event capabilities
* @property {string} events.XAddr Event service URI
* @property {boolean} events.WSSubscriptionPolicySupport Indicates whether or not WS Subscription policy is supported
* @property {boolean} events.WSPullPointSupport Indicates whether or not WS Pull Point is supported
* @property {boolean} events.WSPausableSubscriptionManagerInterfaceSupport Indicates whether or not WS Pausable Subscription Manager Interface is supported
* @property {object} imaging Imaging capabilities
* @property {string} imaging.XAddr Imaging service URI
* @property {object} media Media capabilities
* @property {string} media.XAddr Media service URI
* @property {object} media.streamingCapabilities Streaming capabilities
* @property {boolean} media.streamingCapabilities.RTPMulticast Indicates whether or not RTP multicast is supported
* @property {boolean} media.streamingCapabilities.RTP_TCP Indicates whether or not RTP over TCP is supported
* @property {boolean} media.streamingCapabilities.RTP_RTSP_TCP Indicates whether or not RTP/RTSP/TCP is supported
* @property {object} media.streamingCapabilities.extension
* @property {object} PTZ PTZ capabilities
* @property {string} PTZ.XAddr PTZ service URI
* @property {object} [extension]
* @property {object} extension.deviceIO DeviceIO capabilities
* @property {string} extension.deviceIO.XAddr DeviceIO service URI
* @property {number} extension.deviceIO.videoSources
* @property {number} extension.deviceIO.videoOutputs
* @property {number} extension.deviceIO.audioSources
* @property {number} extension.deviceIO.audioOutputs
* @property {number} extension.deviceIO.relayOutputs
* @property {object} [extension.extensions]
* @property {object} [extension.extensions.telexCapabilities]
* @property {object} [extension.extensions.scdlCapabilities]
* @callback Cam~GetCapabilitiesCallback
* @property {?Error} error
* @property {Cam~Capabilities} capabilities
* @property {string} xml Raw SOAP response
* This method has been replaced by the more generic GetServices method. For capabilities of individual services refer to the GetServiceCapabilities methods.
* @param {Cam~GetCapabilitiesCallback} [callback]
Cam.prototype.getCapabilities = function(callback) {
body: this._envelopeHeader() +
'<GetCapabilities xmlns="http://www.onvif.org/ver10/device/wsdl">' +
'<Category>All</Category>' +
'</GetCapabilities>' +
}, function(err, data, xml) {
if (!err) {
* Device capabilities
* @name Cam#capabilities
* @type {Cam~Capabilities}
this.capabilities = linerase(data[0]['getCapabilitiesResponse'][0]['capabilities'][0]);
// fill Cam#uri property
if (!this.uri) {
* Device service URIs
* @name Cam#uri
* @property {url} [PTZ]
* @property {url} [media]
* @property {url} [imaging]
* @property {url} [events]
* @property {url} [device]
this.uri = {};
['PTZ', 'media', 'imaging', 'events', 'device'].forEach(function(name) {
if (this.capabilities[name] && this.capabilities[name].XAddr) {
this.uri[name.toLowerCase()] = this._parseUrl(this.capabilities[name].XAddr);
// extensions, eg. deviceIO
if (this.capabilities.extension) {
Object.keys(this.capabilities.extension).forEach(function(ext) {
// TODO think about complex extensions like `telexCapabilities` and `scdlCapabilities`
if (this.capabilities.extension[ext].XAddr) {
this.uri[ext] = url.parse(this.capabilities.extension[ext].XAddr);
// HACK for a Profile G NVR that has 'replay' but did not have 'recording' in GetCapabilities
if ((this.uri['replay']) && !this.uri['recording']) {
var tempRecorderXaddr = this.uri['replay'].href.replace('replay', 'recording');
console.warn("WARNING: Adding " + tempRecorderXaddr + " for bad Profile G device");
this.uri['recording'] = url.parse(tempRecorderXaddr);
if (callback) {
callback.call(this, err, this.capabilities, xml);
* Returns the capabilities of the device service
* @param [callback]
Cam.prototype.getServiceCapabilities = function(callback) {
body: this._envelopeHeader() +
'<GetServiceCapabilities xmlns="http://www.onvif.org/ver10/device/wsdl" />' +
}, function(err, data, xml) {
if (!err) {
data = linerase(data);
this.serviceCapabilities = {
network: data.getServiceCapabilitiesResponse.capabilities.network.$,
security: data.getServiceCapabilitiesResponse.capabilities.security.$,
system: data.getServiceCapabilitiesResponse.capabilities.system.$
if (data.getServiceCapabilitiesResponse.capabilities.misc) {
this.serviceCapabilities.auxiliaryCommands = data.getServiceCapabilitiesResponse.capabilities.misc.$.AuxiliaryCommands.split(' ');
if (callback) {
callback.call(this, err, this.serviceCapabilities, xml);
* Active source
* @typedef {object} Cam~ActiveSource
* @property {string} sourceToken video source token
* @property {string} profileToken profile token
* @property {string} videoSourceConfigurationToken video source configuration token
* @property {object} [ptz] PTZ-object
* @property {string} ptz.name PTZ configuration name
* @property {string} ptz.token PTZ token
* Get active sources
* @private
Cam.prototype.getActiveSources = function() {
//NVT is a camera with one video source
if (this.videoSources.$) {
this.videoSources = [this.videoSources];
//The following code block supports a camera with a single video source
//as well as encoders with multiple sources. By default, the first source is set to the activeSource.
* Default profiles for the device
* @name Cam#defaultProfiles
* @type {Array.<Cam~Profile>}
this.defaultProfiles = [];
* Active video sources
* @name Cam#activeSources
* @type {Array.<Cam~ActiveSource>}
this.activeSources = [];
this.videoSources.forEach(function(videoSource, idx) {
// let's choose first appropriate profile for our video source and make it default
var videoSrcToken = videoSource.$.token,
appropriateProfiles = this.profiles.filter(function(profile) {
if (profile.videoSourceConfiguration && profile.videoEncoderConfiguration) {
if (profile.videoSourceConfiguration.sourceToken === videoSrcToken || profile.videoSourceConfiguration.sourceToken === profile.videoSourceConfiguration.name) {
return true;
if (appropriateProfiles.length === 0) {
if (idx === 0) {
throw new Error('Unrecognized configuration');
} else {
if (idx === 0) {
* Default selected profile for the device
* @name Cam#defaultProfile
* @type {Cam~Profile}
this.defaultProfile = appropriateProfiles[0];
this.defaultProfiles[idx] = appropriateProfiles[0];
this.activeSources[idx] = {
sourceToken: videoSource.$.token,
profileToken: this.defaultProfiles[idx].$.token,
videoSourceConfigurationToken: this.defaultProfiles[idx].videoSourceConfiguration.$.token
if (this.defaultProfiles[idx].videoEncoderConfiguration) {
var configuration = this.defaultProfiles[idx].videoEncoderConfiguration;
this.activeSources[idx].encoding = configuration.encoding;
this.activeSources[idx].width = configuration.resolution ? configuration.resolution.width : '';
this.activeSources[idx].height = configuration.resolution ? configuration.resolution.height : '';
this.activeSources[idx].fps = configuration.rateControl ? configuration.rateControl.frameRateLimit : '';
this.activeSources[idx].bitrate = configuration.rateControl ? configuration.rateControl.bitrateLimit : '';
if (idx === 0) {
* Current active video source
* @name Cam#activeSource
* @type {Cam~ActiveSource}
this.activeSource = this.activeSources[idx];
if (this.defaultProfiles[idx].PTZConfiguration) {
this.activeSources[idx].ptz = {
name: this.defaultProfiles[idx].PTZConfiguration.name,
token: this.defaultProfiles[idx].PTZConfiguration.$.token
/* TODO Think about it
if (idx === 0) {
this.defaultProfile.PTZConfiguration = this.activeSources[idx].PTZConfiguration;
// If we haven't got any active source, send a warning
if (this.activeSources.length === 0) {
* Indicates any warning.
* @event Cam#warning
* @type {string}
this.emit('warning', 'There are no active sources at this device');
* @typedef {object} Cam~Service
* @property {string} namespace Namespace uri
* @property {string} XAddr Uri for requests
* @property {number} version.minor Minor version
* @property {number} version.major Major version
* @callback Cam~GetServicesCallback
* @property {?Error} error
* @property {Array.<Cam~Service>} services
* @property {string} xml Raw SOAP response
* Returns information about services on the device.
* @param {boolean} [includeCapability=true] Indicates if the service capabilities (untyped) should be included in the response.
* @param {Cam~GetServicesCallback} [callback]
Cam.prototype.getServices = function(includeCapability, callback) {
if (typeof includeCapability == 'function') {
callback = includeCapability;
includeCapability = true;
body: this._envelopeHeader() +
'<GetServices xmlns="http://www.onvif.org/ver10/device/wsdl">' +
'<IncludeCapability>' + includeCapability + '</IncludeCapability>' +
'</GetServices>' +
}, function(err, data, xml) {
if (!err) {
* Device services
* @name Cam#services
* @type {Array<Cam~Service>}
this.services = linerase(data).getServicesResponse.service;
// ONVIF Profile T introduced Media2 (ver20) so cameras from around 2020/2021 will have
// two media entries in the ServicesResponse, one for Media (ver10/media) and one for Media2 (ver20/media)
// This is so that existing VMS software can still access the video via the orignal ONVIF Media API
// fill Cam#uri property
if (!this.uri) {
* Device service URIs
* @name Cam#uri
* @property {url} [PTZ]
* @property {url} [media]
* @property {url} [media2]
* @property {url} [imaging]
* @property {url} [events]
* @property {url} [device]
this.uri = {};
this.media2Support = false;
this.services.forEach((service) => {
// Look for services with namespaces and XAddr values
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(service, 'namespace') && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(service, 'XAddr')) {
// Only parse ONVIF namespaces. Axis cameras return Axis namespaces in GetServices
let parsedNamespace = url.parse(service.namespace);
if (parsedNamespace.hostname === 'www.onvif.org') {
let namespaceSplitted = parsedNamespace.path.substring(1).split('/'); // remove leading Slash, then split
// special case for Media and Media2 where cameras supporting Profile S and Profile T (2020/2021 models) have two media services
if (namespaceSplitted[1] === 'media' && namespaceSplitted[0] === 'ver20') {
this.media2Support = true;
namespaceSplitted[1] = 'media2';
this.uri[namespaceSplitted[1]] = this._parseUrl(service.XAddr);
if (callback) {
callback.call(this, err, this.services, xml);
* @typedef {object} Cam~DeviceInformation
* @property {string} manufacturer The manufactor of the device
* @property {string} model The device model
* @property {string} firmwareVersion The firmware version in the device
* @property {string} serialNumber The serial number of the device
* @property {string} hardwareId The hardware ID of the device
* @callback Cam~GetDeviceInformationCallback
* @property {?Error} error
* @property {Cam~DeviceInformation} deviceInformation Device information
* @property {string} xml Raw SOAP response
* Receive device information
* @param {Cam~GetDeviceInformationCallback} [callback]
Cam.prototype.getDeviceInformation = function(callback) {
body: this._envelopeHeader() +
'<GetDeviceInformation xmlns="http://www.onvif.org/ver10/device/wsdl"/>' +
}, function(err, data, xml) {
if (!err) {
this.deviceInformation = linerase(data).getDeviceInformationResponse;
if (callback) {
callback.call(this, err, this.deviceInformation, xml);
* @typedef {object} Cam~HostnameInformation
* @property {boolean} fromDHCP Indicates whether the hostname is obtained from DHCP or not
* @property {string} [name] Indicates the hostname
* @callback Cam~GetHostnameCallback
* @property {?Error} error
* @property {Cam~HostnameInformation} hostnameInformation Hostname information
* @property {string} xml Raw SOAP response
* Receive hostname information
* @param {Cam~GetHostnameCallback} [callback]
Cam.prototype.getHostname = function(callback) {
body: this._envelopeHeader() +
'<GetHostname xmlns="http://www.onvif.org/ver10/device/wsdl"/>' +
}, function(err, data, xml) {
if (callback) {
callback.call(this, err, err ? null : linerase(data).getHostnameResponse.hostnameInformation, xml);
* @typedef {object} Cam~Scope
* @property {string} scopeDef Indicates if the scope is fixed or configurable
* @property {string} scopeItem Scope item URI
* @callback Cam~getScopesCallback
* @property {?Error} error
* @property {Array<Cam~Scope>} scopes Scopes
* @property {string} xml Raw SOAP response
* Receive the scope parameters of a device
* @param {Cam~getScopesCallback} callback
Cam.prototype.getScopes = function(callback) {
body: this._envelopeHeader() +
'<GetScopes xmlns="http://www.onvif.org/ver10/device/wsdl"/>' +
}, function(err, data, xml) {
if (!err) {
* Device scopes
* @type {undefined|Array<Cam~Scope>}
this.scopes = linerase(data).getScopesResponse.scopes;
if (this.scopes === undefined) {
this.scopes = [];
} else if (!Array.isArray(this.scopes)) {
this.scopes = [this.scopes];
if (callback) {
callback.call(this, err, this.scopes, xml);
* Set the scope parameters of a device
* @param {Array<string>} scopes array of scope's uris
* @param {Cam~getScopesCallback} callback
Cam.prototype.setScopes = function(scopes, callback) {
body: this._envelopeHeader() +
'<SetScopes xmlns="http://www.onvif.org/ver10/device/wsdl">' +
scopes.map(function(uri) { return '<Scopes>' + uri + '</Scopes>'; }).join('') +
'</SetScopes>' +
}, function(err, data, xml) {
if (err || linerase(data).setScopesResponse !== '') {
return callback(linerase(data).setScopesResponse !== '' ? new Error('Wrong `SetScopes` response') : err, data, xml);
// get new scopes from device
* /Device/ Reboot the device
* @param {Cam~MessageCallback} callback
Cam.prototype.systemReboot = function(callback) {
service: 'deviceIO',
body: this._envelopeHeader() +
'<SystemReboot xmlns="http://www.onvif.org/ver10/device/wsdl"/>' +
}, function(err, res, xml) {
if (!err) {
res = res[0].systemRebootResponse[0].message[0];
callback.call(this, err, res, xml);
* @callback Cam~SetSystemFactoryDefaultCallback
* @property {?Error} error
* @property {null}
* @property {string} xml Raw SOAP response
* Reset camera to factory default
* @param {boolean} [hard=false] Reset network settings
* @param {Cam~SetSystemFactoryDefaultCallback} callback
Cam.prototype.setSystemFactoryDefault = function(hard, callback) {
if (callback === undefined) {
callback = hard;
hard = false;
let body = this._envelopeHeader() +
'<SetSystemFactoryDefault xmlns="http://www.onvif.org/ver10/device/wsdl">' +
'<FactoryDefault>' + (hard ? 'Hard' : 'Soft') + '</FactoryDefault>' +
'</SetSystemFactoryDefault>' +
service: 'device',
body: body,
}, function(err, res, xml) {
if (callback) {
callback.call(this, err, null, xml);
* Generate arguments for digest auth
* @return {{passdigest: *, nonce: (*|String), timestamp: string}}
* @private
Cam.prototype._passwordDigest = function() {
let timestamp = (new Date((process.uptime() * 1000) + (this.timeShift || 0))).toISOString();
let nonce = Buffer.allocUnsafe(16);
nonce.writeUIntLE(Math.ceil(Math.random() * 0x100000000), 0, 4);
nonce.writeUIntLE(Math.ceil(Math.random() * 0x100000000), 4, 4);
nonce.writeUIntLE(Math.ceil(Math.random() * 0x100000000), 8, 4);
nonce.writeUIntLE(Math.ceil(Math.random() * 0x100000000), 12, 4);
let cryptoDigest = crypto.createHash('sha1');
cryptoDigest.update(Buffer.concat([nonce, Buffer.from(timestamp, 'ascii'), Buffer.from(this.password, 'ascii')]));
let passdigest = cryptoDigest.digest('base64');
return {
passdigest: passdigest,
nonce: nonce.toString('base64'),
timestamp: timestamp
* Envelope header for all SOAP messages
* @property {boolean} [openHeader=false]
* @returns {string}
* @private
Cam.prototype._envelopeHeader = function(openHeader) {
let header = '<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:a="http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing">' +
// Only insert Security if there is a username and password
if (this.useWSSecurity && this.username && this.password) {
const req = this._passwordDigest();
header += '<Security s:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd">' +
'<UsernameToken>' +
'<Username>' + this.username + '</Username>' +
'<Password Type="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-username-token-profile-1.0#PasswordDigest">' + req.passdigest + '</Password>' +
'<Nonce EncodingType="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-soap-message-security-1.0#Base64Binary">' + req.nonce + '</Nonce>' +
'<Created xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd">' + req.timestamp + '</Created>' +
'</UsernameToken>' +
if (!(openHeader !== undefined && openHeader)) {
header += '</s:Header>' +
'<s:Body xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">';
return header;
* Envelope footer for all SOAP messages
* @returns {string}
* @private
Cam.prototype._envelopeFooter = function() {
return '</s:Body>' +
* Parse url with an eye on `preserveAddress` property
* @param {string} address
* @returns {URL}
* @private
Cam.prototype._parseUrl = function(address) {
const parsedAddress = url.parse(address);
// If host for service and default host differs, also if preserve address property set
// we substitute host, hostname and port from settings then rebuild the href using .format
if (this.preserveAddress && (this.hostname !== parsedAddress.hostname || this.port !== parsedAddress.port)) {
parsedAddress.hostname = this.hostname;
parsedAddress.host = this.hostname + ':' + this.port;
parsedAddress.port = this.port;
parsedAddress.href = url.format(parsedAddress);
return parsedAddress;
module.exports = {
Cam: Cam
// extending Camera prototype